The Latest News from OACS Ireland
Today it is National Epilepsy Week #AdvocateForEpilepsy
Today is the first day of National Epilepsy Week. We are joining with our colleagues in Epilepsy Ireland to #AdvocateForEpilepsy, and specifically, we will be focussing on our ongoing campaign surrounding Sodium Valproate(Epilim). Throughout the week, we will be focussing…
More . . .HSE – Health Service Disruptions
The cyber attack on the HSE IT systems has caused some disruptions to their services. Please see update. Hospital appointments Most appointments will go ahead as planned but many x-ray appointments are cancelled. See updates from each hospital by county Community…
More . . .Has your child a Diagnosis of Fetal Valproate Syndrome or Fetal Valproate Spectrum Disorder ?
OACS Ireland are contacting mothers who have received a diagnosis of (FVSD) or (FVS) Foetal Valproate Syndrome/Spectrum Disorder. To date OACS Ireland has put seven children and one adult forward to Primary Care Services. If you have a received a…
More . . .Noteworthy – Valproate Scandal: Parents feel failed by State over drug that harmed their children.
THE CHIILDREN – THE IRISH STATE WANTS TO FORGET – THE VALPROATE CHILDREN. OACS Ireland wants to be clear we want the Irish Inquiry into EPILIM (SODIUM VALPROATE) TO COMMENCE WITH URGENCY ! Irish Families have been through enough. It…
More . . .PRIME TIME The Department, The Data & The Disclosure.
OACS Ireland have been overwhelmed by concerned members at the revelations in resent Prime Time Pogramme. As a Charity who represent a vulnerable group, trust and confidentiality should be at the center for the care and welfare of these individuals.…
More . . .HPRA – Re – Covid-19
The HPRA has published there third update last Thursday evening. The Chief Executive, Lorraine Nolan, also provided an update at the regular Thursday COVID-19 press conference at the Department of Health where she confirmed that: “Reassuringly, the nature of reports…
More . . .New UK guidelines recommend women seek advice well before pregnancy on their care.
OACS Ireland would like to thank all patients groups, Health Care Professional (HCP) involved, who have worked with the MHRA for many years on the Valproate Stakeholder Group. The New UK guidelines produced by the Royal College of Obstetricians and…
More . . .“RTÉ Does Comic Relief”
OACS Ireland are incredibly pleased to inform our members, volunteers, and supporters that we have been allocated €2000 under the “RTÉ Does Comic Relief” fund. RTÉ does Comic Relief was established in response to the fundraising crisis which non-profit organisations…
More . . .Access to Product Information for Anticonvulsant Medicines Authorised in Ireland
*The active substance is the main ingredient contained in every medicine. For example, the active substance in Epilim is sodium valproate. The active substance in every medicine is listed on the outer packaging and in the package leaflet (PL), usually…
More . . .Sodium Valproate (Epilim) Inquiry
The Minister for Health, Deputy Stephen Donnelly, has announced his intention to establish an inquiry into the historical licensing and use of the epilepsy drug Sodium Valproate – also known as Epilim – in Ireland. The inquiry is being established…
More . . .Downloads & Resources
Links to Website Resources
- OACS Facebook Group
- OACS YouTube Channel
- OACS UK Charity
- Epilepsy Ireland
- Irish Epilepsy and Pregnancy Register
- Irish Family Planning Association
- Birth Control (HSE Website)
- Valproate (Epilim) Patient Booklet (HPRA)
- EMA – Information & reviews on Valproate
- Valproate Information(HSE Website)
- Meeting highlights from PRAC
Download Resources
- OACS Ireland Leaflet
- National Conference on the Consequences of Sodium Valproate
- Joint Committee on Health Report on Foetal Anti-Convulsant Syndrome
- Valproate (Epilim) is a medicine licensed in Ireland to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorder
- 2019 Neurology Referral Specialist
- HSE Report on prenatal exposure
- 2018 Sodium Valproate who knew what and when
- 2019 Videos from the National Conference on Sodium Valproate
- 2018 FACS Forum welcomes HSE’s plans to contact patients directly regarding Sodium Valproate
- 2019 Study identifies the risk of malformations associated with prenatal exposure to 10 epilepsy drugs
Videos / Media
OACS Ireland: The Story So Far
Public Hearing on Valproate
Epilim (Sodium Valproate): For Patients*
Epilim (Sodium Valproate): For Hospital Doctors*
Epilim (Sodium Valproate): For Neurologists & Psychiatrists*
Epilim (Sodium Valproate): For GPs*
*The Medication Safety Minute Team in conjunction with Dr Colin Doherty, Epileptologist in St. James’s Hospital (SJH), have produced a series of 4 videos to highlight the risks associated with sodium valproate medicines if taken during pregnancy. Each of the videos highlights key points in relation to the management of the issue from a different perspective − that of the patient, the hospital doctor, the specialist (neurologist or psychiatrist), and the GP, respectively. These videos were released during National Epilepsy Week which aims to raise awareness Epilim (Sodium Valproate) in pregnancy.