Supporting #MedSafetyWeek 2022
Global campaign to promote reporting side effects from medicines.
Takes place from Monday 7 November to Sunday 13 November 2022.
OACS Ireland will be supporting the HPRA with their part in the seventh annual #MedSafetyWeek, a global week-long social media campaign to raise awareness of the importance of reporting side effects from medicines.
The campaign is a global initiative led by the Uppsala Monitoring Centre
(UMC), the World Health Organisation (WHO) Collaborating Centre for
International Drug Monitoring. Medicines regulators and other organisations from 82 countries will take part in the 2022 campaign.
This year, the theme of #MedSafetyWeek focuses on why it’s important to report side effects.

When people report side effects, they give regulators like the HPRA more information about medicines. This information helps them to find new safety issues as soon as possible. Regulators can then take action to help make medicines safer. Videos promoting key messages of the 2022 campaign.
Every report counts.
To promote reporting of side effects, the social media campaign is based primarily on two videos with the following key messages: