Organisation Anticonvulsant Syndromes – OACS Ireland – THE ARTWORK CORNER
OACS Ireland are proud to show case some of the Artwork from the adults impacted by FVS and/or FVSD. We find some of our children grow up with some “amazing talents” which we are very proud showcase. With art, there is no right or wrong answer. It’s simply created, shared and appreciated. To that end, embracing our children’s work is an essential part of art education for children with FVS, FACS and /or FVSD. We are showcasing their work by displaying their creations on our website. This will give the children a sense of pride and accomplishment, which builds a “can-do” attitude and enhances feelings of self-worth— notably when children and adults with the above syndromes see other people admiring their work it also gives them a sense of joy.
Ellie Ginty is showcasing her art which is the following: The Sunflower alongside that is another amazing picture of the Dolphins.
Peter Pettigrew is showcasing his art which is the following: The Tiger and the Heart this was done freehand.
Once again we want to take this time to ensure you take the time to carry out the proper preventative measures as outlined below to stay safe:
Please ensure you follow these six important steps:
- WASH your hands well & often to avoid contamination.
- COVER your mouth & nose with a tissue or sleeve, when coughing or sneezing and discard used tissue.
- AVOID touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
- CLEAN and disinfect frequently touched objects or surfaces.
- STOP shaking hands or when saying hello or greeting other people.
- DISTANCE yourself at least 2 metres away from other people, especially those who might be unwell.
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The Art Corner
Wow absolutely amazing artwork above. Well done everyone so proud of each and every amazing piece of art. Keep it up
Love the dolfins, there so happy..And the colours in the sunflowers are so bright… I,m feeling good already. Well done yo all.🎉🌞🎉🌞
There is a wealth of talent in our young people on OACS IRELAND. Let’s show it off!