OACS Ireland General Election Campaign 2024

The 2024 General Election campaign is now well underway and voting due to take place on 29th November. OACS Ireland are intending to use this opportunity to raise awareness around topics which we feel are of key importance to our members and their families. We would encourage you as a family impacted through Sodium Valproate during pregnancy to please use your vote in this General Election and to highlight the issues that impact you most closely with your local candidates as they call to your door.
While we understand that Point 6 cannot be addressed until the outcome of the inquiry is determined, it is important to emphasize that it should be a priority to address any recommendations resulting from the inquiry promptly.
We have chosen six points for consideration by candidates.
Click here to download our PDF 6 Point Page
1. The full implementation of the Oireachtas Committee on Health 2018* recommendations on Sodium Valproate and Foetal Anti-Convulsant Syndrome (FACS/FVSD) including the provision of supports for families affected by FACS/FVSD. Potentially affects up to 3,126 Irish babies also requires further scrutiny by the State to provide answers to the families and to ensure that this scandal is not repeated. The full truth must be known.
2. Non-means tested Medical Card with no expiry date. (To be known as EPILIM ‘Sodium Valproate’ Passport Card).
3. Full implementation of the Disability Pathway, (until the DOH funds a full Disability Package). The immediate appointment of a specialist geneticist in CHI to assess and diagnose children with Foetal Valproate Spectrum Disorder.
4. Removal of the decision to tax Carers allowance, which is a paltry payment to all those who have been given no alternative but to stay at home to care for their children because of a drug which they took in pregnancy. The children suffered catastrophic birth defects, neurodevelopmental delay and Autism.
5. A significant rise in the annual Respite Carers Grant per child harmed.
6. A complete Redress package for all those families harmed by the drug EPILIM ‘Sodium Valproate.