“Look What These People Done To Me”

Karen Buck a UK mother recently shared her story on BBC1 News Night. Karen gave a powerful account of what her life has been like since finding out that her children was harmed by Epilim (Sodium Valproate). Karen BucK echoes what every mother feels inside when they learn that their child/children have been harmed by Epilim (Sodium Valproate) this feeling never goes away, you just learn to hide it throughout the years.

1974 the UK Core Data Sheet

In Ireland Epilim (Sodium Valproate) was first licensed in in 1975 under the brand name Epilim.  One of the conditions attached to the first license issued by the former National Drug Advisory Board (now the Health Product Regulatory Authority (HPRA). See below:

1975 Irish Licence on Epilim (Sodium Valproate).

In Ireland and around the world many women went on to received the medication in pregnancy without been informed of the risks.

Update on appointment of Chair for Non-Statutory Inquiry into the historical licensing of Sodium Valproate in Ireland. A meeting was convened between OACS Ireland and Department of Health Officials on Tuesday 30th January 2024. Six months on from Government approval for the Inquiry the the Department of Health has yet to find someone to Chair it.

While the women around the world including Irish women continues to silently say to themselves –