A Irish Independent Exclusive. The stories of the families affected by Sodium Valproate (Epilim) in Ireland…

The Irish Independent have published a documentary featuring women who were prescribed Sodium Valproate (Epilim) during pregnancy.
The documentary discusses how this has affected their life and the lives of their children. The feature is a powerful piece which highlights the real life-impact that this medication can and has had caused. Four mothers and nine children between them. ALL children have a diagnosis of Foetal Valproate Spectrum Disorder which could have been avoided.
The testimonies show why it is crucially important that the State addresses the many outstanding issues surrounding this medication which we have been highlighted alongside our colleagues in Epilepsy Ireland.
We would encourage our members, supporters to take some time to watch the documentary by visiting the Irish Independent website. We are tremendously grateful to Darragh Kelly and all who took part in the making of the true impact of what this medication can do in pregnancy.