Rachel McManus: Works with ALL Social Groups in the area of Dublin and Meath. Her experience is vast, Rachel works with adults with Special needs in (Prosper Meath), Autistic Groups, and Mainstream. She has witnessed the amazing effects of LEGO on individuals in said Groups settings. Rachel has kindly submitted the following work to OACS Ireland for the younger children to complete. Here are some challenges Rachel has given to the children in relation to Lego we hope your child and/or children will take this challenge up. OACS Ireland would like to thank Rachel for submitting said work to OACS for the children to help them get through this essential time.


Rachel concentrates on the following:

▪︎Hand and eye Coordination

▪︎Pincher Skills



▪︎Relaxation and over all Enjoyed.

Which covers the following:

  • Patterns
  • ART,
  • Garden Design
  • Architecture
  • Seasonal events Easter, Christmas, Halloween, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.
  • Flower-Flower arranging

All activities can be Adapted to a Mixed abilities Group.

All Levels can Achieve their own Goals with teams and/or Individual

Should you wish to contact Racheal please see the following number: 0868469815.

Rachel McManus is fully Garda Vetted.


Stay at Home

Stay Safe

Thank you

OACS Ireland